Wednesday, December 23, 2020

lady j

There is a potato variety called Lady J.

The outer flesh is red and the insides are pink.

I've seen them online fried up as potato chips, but it is so popular, I've never seen the chips in the stores.

I was happy to see the potatoes at the market recently so I picked them up for us to try.

At first I peeled one, but changed my mind and left the outer flesh on for the rest instead.
I made scalloped potatoes with a can of cream of mushroom soup.
My mom often made us this dish by placing sliced potatoes at the bottom of a baking dish, then searing some pork chops, covering the whole thing with cream of mushroom soup and baking everything in the oven until the potatoes are cooked through.

I actually wanted to eat the potatoes more than the pork, so I pan fried some really thin pieces of pork and cooked the potatoes separately in the oven.

These seemed a little more starchy than regular potatoes but I'm glad we got to try them.

I still have a few more of these potatoes and may get the courage to fry them as chips...


  1. I don't think spuds can get any cuter with a pink hue like that.

  2. Those look so cool. Trying to remember if I saw that color in those bags of multicolored chips.
    If they are startchier than regular potatoes, they may not fry well, no?

    1. V, will look online if I do get up to courage to fry them:)

      Take care.


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