Friday, December 25, 2020

this and that

It is Christmas but isn’t a holiday, so Satoshi is working.

We'll probably be able to eat dinner together on the day after Christmas because he has the day off.

This week he and 3 other co-workers had lunch together.

He said the restaurant that they ate at had acrylic partitions.

Hopefully it was a "safe" lunch....

Starting next year, his company will be downsizing and also be cutting everyone's wages.

Hopefully Satoshi will still have a job, we are also not sure if we'll be able to stay in Tokyo...

Still, we are grateful for what we do have.

I hope more people will stay at home this holiday season to bring case numbers down and to help keep the people on the medical front lines safe too.

Our main branch of government still refuses to "lock us down" or provide financial help...

I wish someone would mention to them that if our numbers do not go down (especially in Tokyo) hosting the Olympics (safely) will definitely be impossible.

Please have a safe holiday weekend everyone.


  1. Merry Christmas to you and your husband! Enjoying your writings as always;thank you so much, Kat.
    Best, sc reader

    1. Thank you SC Reader, hope you have a safe but happy holiday season.

      Take care.

  2. I am shocked and so sorry to hear that the gov isn't offering financial help, enacting lockdown measures. Italy shut down anything deemed 'unnecessary' this winter season, so no ski lifts, skating rinks, and other such outdoor activity stuff open -- nothing to do, nobody goes out.

    I hope 2021 will see improvement and quick, but in the mean time, take care and hope things will work out for all of us.

    1. Everything here is a request basis Rowena. Dunno why they do not create tentative laws just for this pandemic so they can start fining people for not complying.

      Take care!

  3. So worrisome and stressful not knowing the future for Satoshi and you. Hoping for the best that everything will work out.
    Really appreciate your posts and friendship these past years and looking forward to the future.
    Stay safe. Stay warm.

    1. Worrisome indeed V. Thank you for your friendship too!

      Take care.

  4. I hope you guys can stay. I remember when you moved to Tokyo and how big that was - even as a blog reader I felt like I had to adjust. But now you are all settled in and we get to see the delights of Tokyo as well. If perchance you had to move again, it will be unfortunate. but as your readers, I think we'll enjoy whatever you post. you find the good in every place you go! not many blogs like yours on Japan. I think you could make this blog a business if you wanted to.

  5. Thank you for your kind words Anon!

    Take care.

  6. whoa! not even fines? over here you risk a fine between 400-3000€ if busted by the police, and if you toss used masks and gloves on the ground, it's 500€.

    I just saw on the news that Japan is closing its borders to strangers until January 31st.

    1. Not even fines Rowena....yes they closed Japan off because several people came back from UK with the variant COVID...eep!

      Take care.

  7. Oh man; I hope everything works out well. Fingers crossed Kat!

    1. Thanks, we’re crossing fingers too Kirk.

      Take care!

  8. Awww Kat, wishing you the best in the upcoming year.

    1. Thanks Jalna, all the best to you too.

      Take care.


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