Friday, January 15, 2021

this and that

Pierre Herme has once again teamed up with 7-eleven and came out with a chocolate eclair.

There is a thick chocolate layer almost like a chocolate bar on the bottom of the eclair and an airy whipped chocolate layer on top.
Bummer it got squished on the way home, but it was so good!
I should have taken a photo of Satoshi's thermos before doing this because it was so dirty!

I found this bubbling cleanser at the DIY store and boy! did it get super clean...I should’ve taken an after photo too...
Saw this ad on the BBC one morning urging people to stay at home...pretty straight forward, yeah?!
Today is our 21st anniversary unfortunately the pandemic is STILL around, so we are planning to celebrate at home.

Last year, I wrote that we were supposed to attend a wedding but it was cancelled due to the virus.

Well, they had planned to have it this weekend, but because of the recent state of emergency they had to cancel again...

Anyway, when this is all over, I am looking forward to travel, to meeting up with friends and to eat in a restaurant (so I don’t have to cook or wash the dishes!)

Have a safe weekend.


  1. Is that collaboration for the chocolate eclair limited availability? Please please still be there when I'm able to come again!!!! Hoping for November, but.....
    I know what you mean about cooking and cleaning....even with take out, there is still preparation and clean up involved especially if it has to be heated.

    1. V, almost everything at the convenience stores are limited time only. Everything changes almost weekly!

      Take care!

  2. Wow. Wish Hawaii 7-11s had such good food.

    1. Li, I wish the 7-11 here had spam musubi :)

      Take care.

  3. That eclair looks so good! Happy Anniversary!!

    1. Jalna it was so good:) Thank you for the wishes:)

      Take care.

  4. A belated Happy Anniversary from the two of us Kat!

    1. Thank you Kirk & the Missus:)

      Take care.


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