Tuesday, February 16, 2021

blood orange upside down muffins

Since I have a lot more blood oranges, I looked online to see what I could make.

I saw an idea for upside down cake.

Since we don’t need a “whole cake” around our house, I used my favorite muffin recipe and ad-libbed.

I put 1/2 a teaspoon of brown sugar at the bottom of each muffin paper.

Then put in a thin slice of blood orange.

Scooped in the muffin batter and baked the muffins.

While the muffins baked, I squeezed the rest of the blood orange.

When they came out of the oven, I used a bamboo skewer and made holes in the muffins.

Then spooned some of the blood orange juice over them like when my mom used to make cakes and drizzle soda or jello into the holes......

The next morning, before heating the muffins up, I flipped them over and took them out of their muffin papers.

Love the color! so pretty, yeah?! like a jewel.

I froze the remaining 4 and we look forward to eating this again in the coming weeks.


  1. Beautiful muffins, Kat!
    And relieved to hear that you and your husband were fine after that big quake...also congratulations to your husband (interpreters certificate)! My apologies for delay in commenting...continue to fully enjoy your writings. Thank you so much for sharing!

  2. Oops, previous comment was from sc reader. Sorry!

    1. Thank you SC Reader. Appreciate your comments:)

      Take care!

  3. wait, no whole cake? I'd probably eat 1 (to test), another 1 when MotH gets home (and he will say only fair he has one too), and the remaining would be split between us for breakfast next day.

    1. Rowena:) I think you get more exercise on your garden than we do.

      Take care.


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