Wednesday, February 10, 2021

mart iijima

Went to check out yet another market nearby called Mart Iijima.

(photo from the internet)

A whole cabbage for 80 yen...karaage (fried chicken) and a huge musubi.

The musubi had all sorts of stuff in it and was only 108 yen!

All of the okazu/sozai(pre-made) foods are cooked in-store.

Look forward to trying other okazu.


  1. Looks so tasty. I can’t believe how cheap the cabbage was at 80 yen. Or the other items too. What does the sticker on the karaage mean if you don’t mind me asking? I can read “service” but don’t know kanji... Happy noshing & stay warm & toasty, Kat!

    1. Anon, It says “service hin” or literally “service item” = special price:)

      Take care!

  2. Jalna, it had all kinds of stuff in it, crunchy ume, salmon, konbu :)

    Take care!


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