Monday, March 15, 2021


One thing I re-learned when MIL passed was that the kimono they put her in would not "show off" the pretty flowers that she had on the left side of her kimono.

Most kimono are designed to have pretty flowers and such on the left side (when worn).

When a person dies though, the right side of the kimono is placed over the left, so these pretty flowers and such tend to get covered up.

This is a photo I took back in 2008 at the Toji flea market, you can see the left side of the kimono (when a person wears it) is very decorative and the right side is kind of plain.


  1. Interesting. I learned about the left over right because when I dressed my daughter for her first girls day picture several people told me I did it wrong, like for dead people. oops. Didn't take notice about designs on kimono so thanks for info.

    1. V, my cousin’s husband remembers it like this “leftover rice” = left over right:)

      Take care.

  2. wow that is an interesting tidbit to share about kimonos; now I must look better when I see one.

  3. That's very interesting Kat. Thanks for sharing.


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