Monday, March 29, 2021

nishiyama tsukudani

Around this time of year, we receive our stash of ikanago no kugini from MIL.

Well, since this year is “different”...I ordered some after someone posted about it on social media.

Luckily, when we started to eat from our last container earlier this year,  something told me to write down the name of the place that she had ordered from.

(Since I had not noted where she bought from in the past, I am not sure if she had ordered from this place every year)

Over the weekend, we received our order.

The one without a colorful sticker has ginger, green sticker is with sansho (Japanese pepper) and the purple sticker is with walnuts.

I put the bulk into the freezer and will take them out over the year.

I like to mix some with rice and make them into musubi.

Another way we eat them is to top tamagoyaki (rolled omelette).

Dunno if Satoshi will think of MIL whenever he eats this but I know I will.


  1. you don't mess around when you order -- that's a stash!!!

    1. Rowena there were larger sets but my freezer isn’t too big so I ordered the smallest set:)

      Take care!

  2. That's nice Kat.....a great memory as well.

  3. I think the rice factory here sells these. Didn't know what they were called but the product looks very similar.
    LOL, with my recent fridge disaster, I found a couple in my freezer!

  4. V, hope you didn't have to throw out food...

    Take care!


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