Monday, April 12, 2021

ikegami station

Our station got a facelift last year and last month they opened up some shops in the building.

Our public library moved onto one of the floors of the station building and there is a Starbucks next to it.

Hoping to hang out here once this pandemic is over...


  1. central pacific bank downtown had a major renovation and now there's a starbucks and aloha beer right in there too. the renovation looks really nice but I don't care for the smell of coffee (maybe bakery would be better LOL) when I'm doing some banking and the noise level from the customers of aloha beer and starbucks is kind of annoying.

    1. V, I don’t mind the smell of coffee but the noise levels would be annoying

      Take care!

  2. books and brew, can't beat that.

  3. Looks sleek and modern Kat.


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