Thursday, April 01, 2021

the start of something new

Back in December, I wrote this post, not knowing whether we would be able to stay in Tokyo or not.

If you didn’t know, Satoshi was working for a travel agency.

Over the years there have been things that have hampered travel like SARS, 9.11 just to name a few, but we were thankful that Satoshi’s company kept everyone employed.

Fast forward to this pandemic bringing business down, WAY down.

Luckily, his company was offering an early retirement package BUT only to a set number of people so even if he applied, there was a chance he might not receive the package.

We are thankful that they were even offering something, many other businesses in Japan were not.

Thankfully, he was approved and starts his “retirement” today.

Satoshi says he will study more German and eventually use his guide’s license to apply for translating/guide work.

I don’t think I can “retire” from housewife-ing though I will start to “train” him to do more around the house...

Since I don’t have to make Satoshi’s bento, I can wake up a little later...whoo!

I am also happy I don’t have to iron any more too (it's the little things!)

We are looking for somewhere to move to, but for the moment, we plan to stay where we are in Tokyo.

Hopefully this pandemic will be over soon or we can get vaccinated, so we can do things other than “stay at home”.

Just wanted to tell you what is happening and to thank you for always being a part of our adventures.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing, Kat. A "new" chapter in life together for both of you to enjoy! Otsukare sama desu.
    ❤️All the Best, sc reader

  2. Wow, Kat, big changes! But I'm a big believer that when one door closes, another opens. Best wishes, and thanks for bringing us along on your journey! See you on Instagram :)

  3. oh my, I don't know whether to be happy or sad. So much going on, this year as well.
    I guess everything turns out for the better and Satoshi has his guide credentials which is very impressive.
    I wish you both the best and hope we can get together soon!

  4. Ah so glad to hear that Satoshi was able to get his early retirement...hopefully this is a new fun exciting chapter! I'm wishing you both a nice transition into this new phase, glad to hear you can stay in Tokyo for now.

  5. glad he got offered the package. In these hard times it helps. Does Japan have social security. Well here's to new adventures, may your journey be smooth -n

  6. Congratulations on your husband’s retirement and your semi-retirement. ☺️M

  7. I am very happy for you both -- this is another page turning in your 'life's book' and it has been/still is, a pleasure to read all about your adventures. oh, and the part about Satoshi studying more German is just plain wow!!!

    "The future is uncertain... but this uncertainty is at the very heart of human creativity."
    Ilya Prigogine

  8. Awesome that Satoshi got a retirement package! Happy retirement! - Mich

  9. Congratulations to Satoshi!!

  10. Congratulations and best wishes to you both!

  11. I'm so glad Satoshi got his retirement package; it sure helps in terms of "security". Congrats! Best wishes on this "next phase" Satoshi. He needs to be "trained" on doing some of the "really hard work" Kat!

    1. Kirk, Thanks! hopefully he can be “trained”:)

      Take care!

  12. Thanks for sharing. I believe everything happens for a reason. I’m glad Satoshi was able to get a retirement package. Looking forward to hearing about the next chapter in your lives.

  13. All the best to Satoshi and the prospect of "guide" work. Tell him to apply for the position that wears a pill-box hat and carries a loud yellow flag so the tourists don't get lost.

    1. Thanks Saburo:)hope you are doing well!

      Take care.


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