Monday, May 31, 2021

4 times a charm

After 3 times postponing their wedding due to this pandemic, we FINALLY got to celebrate with them.

Luckily the weather was cooperative too.

The last time we saw the groom was in Hawaii when he was 6!

(His sister and brother were also there with his mom and they barely squeezed into my car with all my Lion coffee demo paraphernalia in the back of my car...good times!)
The wedding facility, Bayside Gehinkan Veranda looks out over the Yokohama Bay. 

(we had to "cross the border", technically we are supposed to stay within our prefecture during the state of emergency)

Their chapel is on the top floor.

flower shower
Banquet facility on the 3rd floor.
Each place setting had a cardboard cutout of your name...oh the fails of katakana...if you know how to spell my name it isn't like this...though my name with JAL is Kyasarin...ha! 
Pandemic table favors...alcohol wipes

The food: maguro & red bell pepper terrine with anchovy cream sauce.
housemade bacon, mashed potato puree, puff pastry
seasonal soup: carrot
cod with vegetable chips...the chips were so not crunchy and kind of chewy...
beef with mushrooms and onions...a little too rare for me!
wedding cake and caramel nut ice cream

It was nice to get out, see friends and "forget" for a little while about what is happening in Japan, we still had to do the "mask dance" while eating though.

Oh, and during this state of emergency the government (which has been extended to June 20) has made a “request” for everyone not to serve alcohol at restaurants, bars and gatherings like this...bummer if you run a bar and the likes...

So....the wedding facility was serving...Vintense, a Belgian brand of non-alcohol "wines" and "sparkling wines" essence, "real grape juice".

It was a bit over the top for me to drink grape juice with dinner, so after awhile, I asked for water....

There was even non-alcohol sake...Satoshi tried this and he and the groom's father scrunched their faces and immediately put their glasses down...must've been junk, yeah?!

Hoping this was a safe get together....

Thanks for today H & A...all the best to you!

Bayside Gehinkan Veranda
1-3-1 Shinko, Naka-ku
Yokohama, Kanagawa
Phone: 045.222.6550


  1. It never occurred to me that the no-booze directives were extended to weddings but... of course.

    Kampai... NOT! Boo.

    At least y'all were able to get out and aboot for a while.

  2. Saburo, even the karaoke spaces...which just makes everyone drink on the curbsides...

    Take care!

  3. what an interesting (and gorgeous!) wedding with the dishes and stuff. I know it wasn't the ultimate due to covid restrictions, but glad they finally could get everyone together to celebrate!

    1. Rowena we are glad they were able to celebrate too, the bride mentioned how heart breaking it was to have to postpone so many times.

      Take care!

  4. Nice! I love your masked photo the best.

  5. beautiful pictures. With all the dividers on the table, how is it to interact with others on the table?
    Ha, if this was in Hawaii, guests would have had their private stash to "fix" the drinks.
    Glad you guys were able to get out although must have been a little worrisome to be out and about.

    1. V, no cam hear what anyone is saying with those dividers...ha!

      Take care.

  6. So great the wedding was able to go on even with this pandemic worsening there. :( It looked like a beautiful wedding!

    1. Jenny...AND they gonna do this Olympus too...

      Take care.

  7. It's great that they could finally have the wedding; it must have been so discouraging having to keep postponing things.....though they sure have story to tell their kids and grandkids.


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