Friday, June 25, 2021

this and that

This past Saturday (Friday in the US) was my cousin's son's graduation.

I think in order to keep the gathering small, each student could only invite 4 people to attend the ceremony.

Luckily, they had an online viewing, so we were able to watch the ceremony, love technology!

It was Satoshi's first experience to see an American high school graduation.

Congratulations K and the class of 2021!

Chiyohime peaches...these were smaller than normal, but super floral.

Chiyohime literally means Princess Chiyo

They could have been a little more ripe because the flesh near the seed was sour and really firm.

Can't wait to try different varieties in the coming weeks.

On June 20th last year, we were eating at Civitas.

Since last year, most eateries have these acrylic "walls" to block "flying germs"...which also makes conversations pretty hard to hear...

The only reason we were eating out was because we went to see Satoshi's friend perform rakugo.

We saw him perform a couple of times in Osaka.

The auditorium that we went to see the performance at had seats blocked off with these signs so that no one was seated next to each other and not right behind each other.

Everyone had to keep their mask on while watching the performances.
This dude was not paying attention and sat right in front of me.

The sign which was taped to the chair fell off the seat and when he stood up to leave, guess what was attached to his back?!

We should have chased after him....we wondered how far he got before someone told him about it…or if anyone told him about it

It was nice to be out and about, but it was oh so humid especially while wearing a mask.

Not to mention my feet got beat up from not wearing sandals in over a year.

Loved the stained glass in the lobby of the auditorium.
Near the main entrance there was a life-size cut out of sumo wrestler, Taiho.
On the way back to catch the train I noticed this huge magnolia hanging over the temple wall next door to the auditorium..

Monday...emergency dental thingy, I freaked myself out and thought one of my lower front teeth had cracked near the base of the tooth and was kinda depressed about it…after some checking the dentist says…”it is plaque!” and had the hygienist clean my teeth…whew! and thankful for insurance.

As for the Olympics, they (JOC-Japan Olympic Committee) have decided to go against what the medical people have recommended.

The medical people recommended no spectators…JOC plan to allow 10,000 spectators to view each game and allow 20,000 spectators each for the opening and closing ceremonies.

The medical people recommended people from other prefectures not be allowed to come to JOC are allowing it.  

And while we are at it... the main branch of government have also allowed people from other prefectures to come to Tokyo to get vaccinated!

As of June 21st, the state of emergency in Tokyo has ended, bars & restaurants are allowed to serve alcohol.

BUT, you can only be in a party of 2 and can only drink for 90 minutes (at a time) between 11:00 and 19:00…there are people that have been drinking non-stop from 11:00 to 19:00…geez!

All eateries/bars must close at 20:00....excuse my finger, but you can see how antsy everyone was to go out drinking with all the empty bottles in front of a bar...

Can you believe JOC was thinking to serve alcohol during the games in the stands?! which would've been a double standard for all the eateries who would have had to stop serving at 19:00...sigh

Oh and there was one member of the team from Uganda who tested positive AFTER arriving in Japan.

The main government is playing the "I thought you were supposed to do it" card with who is supposed to check on the others travelling with the infected member and the other passengers on the same flight...sigh

As of today, the infected one member from Uganda has since increased to two members...eep!

Tokyo is on the rebound with infected cases, with the state of emergency ended and everyone out and about like the pandemic is over, I can only imagine what the numbers will be like next week.

With less than 30 days until the start of the games, Tokyo will probably skyrocket out of control...pray for us this point, the main branch of government is only relying on the vaccines...

Have a safe weekend.


  1. That giant magnolia is pretty common here in Hawaii. In fact, my neighbor has a big tree. Smells nice. I only found out about the smaller different colored ones from my trips to Japan!
    This Japan and the Olympics is a real head scratcher. What are they thinking???
    Just hoping everyone stays safe

    1. V, they are in no pandemic mode…ha!

      Take care!

  2. I am totally baffled at the decisions of the JOC. To hold the Olympic games during the pandemic seems to be driven by money without any worries for the citizens of Japan. I wish you both well❤️

  3. I am totally baffled at the decisions of the JOC. To hold the Olympic games during the pandemic seems to be driven by money without any worries for the citizens of Japan. I wish you both well❤️

    1. Thank you Barbara, we need all the good mojo that we can get.

      Take care!

  4. Cool Taiho display there. He's still prolly still the ozumo GOAT, Hakuho notwithstanding.

    Especially concerning: Ugandan Olympian dude had the Delta variant, which is brutal for those not vaccinated. At least they're ramping up them shots. Keep hope alive!

    1. oh but they are stopping vaccines Saburo, demand greater than supply…geez!

      Take care.

  5. Ho, countdown to the Olympics. Wishing you all well!

  6. I will pray you and pray HARD! wth? it's as if the government is running with the mentality of the 3 stooges, only if it were the 3 stooges for real, they'd do a better job of it (Moe would go slap-happy and def keep everybody in line). CHRIST!

    1. Thanks Rowena, we need all the good mojo we can get!

      Take care!

  7. I'm still at a loss as to why the Olympics are going to proceed Kat. I hope my misgivings are wrong.


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