Tuesday, July 27, 2021

chura pine

We recently tried a new (to us) pineapple variety called Chura Pine, which was grown on Ishigakijima.

“Chura” is beautiful in Okinawan.

And the Japanese called pineapple, “Pine” for short.

When I looked online for “chura pine”, there were different varieties that popped up.
So, I compared my photo to the different photos on a farm’s site...it wasn't a Snack Pine which is the Bogor type (which we’ve tried before).
It wasn't the Peach Pine....which is supposed to smell similar to peaches...
It was the Hawaii variety...it looked different from the pineapple we have in Hawaii, look at the "floppy" crown.

Trivia tidbit: Apparently pine cones were once called pineapples.

This pineapple had lots of "eyes", it could have been more ripe & sweeter but it was still delicious.

I'm glad we tried this and have planted the top.

Hope the heat doesn't kill it.... 

p.s. Yesterday we received our 1st vaccination...whoo. 

I think we sat in the waiting room longer than it took to actually get jabbed.

Our arms are a bit sore, but so far so good.

Hopefully the 2nd one will actually be in 3 weeks.

p.p.s. a typhoon (Nepartak or Number 8) is heading for our area today....eep!


  1. hope the chura pine takes. I like those broad floppy leaves, looks cute.
    at first I thought they pinched off the top to prevent propogation because I read Japan is clamping down on people (other countries) stealing their agricultural secrets but I google too and saw the pictues too.

    so happy to hear you guys got your first shots. 1 down, 1 to go! Are you swinging your arms a lot? I hear it helps minimize tenderness. I think it worked for me when I got the J&J shot in March.

  2. All right! Congrats on getting that first jab! Genuinely relieved for the both of y'all.

    Time to exhale...

    1. hopefully we’ll be able to get the 2nd one as scheduled, Saburo.

      Take care.

  3. So glad you two got your first shot. Might I humbly suggest drinking a lot of water and doing some light activity (if you feel up to it) when you get your next dose? I feel it made a difference in my case. I wish you both continued good health.

    1. Thank you Anon! for all your tips.

      Take care.

  4. I think it looks cute with a floppy crown, as if it has ears! good for you on the first jab; we get our second this coming monday, not sure if pfizer or moderna but I am heeding the advice of anonymous at the bottom.

    1. Hope your jab goes well Rowena!

      Take care.

  5. Glad you got your first shot Kat!

    1. Little relieved Kirk but still on guard:)

      Take care.


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