Monday, August 23, 2021


We tried a new (to us) nectarine called Fantasia.

It was grown in Fukushima prefecture and is apparently a cross between Gold King and Red King nectarines.

It was quite large compared to the nectarines we had earlier this summer.

The first one wasn't super sweet, but was still delicious.

The second one was super juicy and was a little tart.

I'm glad we got to try this variety and am always on the lookout for new varieties of fruit/veggies for us to try.



  1. they must be super special to be individually wrapped like that. I've only seen nashi pears (from China) wrapped like that over here.

    1. I know it is not good for the environment with all this fuss Rowena but it really helps keep the fruit nearly perfect!

      Take care.

  2. Looks good! I've been putting peaches on top of my overnight oats.


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