Friday, August 27, 2021

this and that

“Someone” still has a bruise from the vaccine...
The fig and cream cheese bread we tried from Songbird Bakery was a little too hard for my teeth.

The flavors (cinnamon & red wine) were a little overpowering to me too.

The cheese bread was very delicious with wine.

The cheese wasn't melty but worked into the dough.

The ururu bread was super soft even after freezing and then toasting.

Kind of like foccacia in texture.
Friend Val wanted me to get something for her, so when I mailed it out I had to print out an address label.

Apparently, the US doesn't want handwritten labelled packages.

So after creating an account and filling out the info, I went to the post office to show the printer this code and printed out a label…I blacked out parts for privacy purposes.

It was fast and easy.

Hope she receives the package soon.

Val was also kind to send us some goodies.

I hope we can use up those alcohol wipes before they all dry out.

Thank you Val!

Spotted this dragonfly on the was so blazing yesterday, can understand why it must've wanted to rest somewhere...glad I didn’t step on it.
The teeniest truck in Japan...
My favorite spot in the morning, I sit on the tiny stool with the pillows supporting my back and read or look at stuff on my smartphone.

This is the side of the apartment where I can watch the sun rise if I wake up early enough.

Later in the day, Satoshi sits here too but he uses the pillows to give his butt more padding...ha!

With the weather as blazing as it has been, I usually cannot sit here for too long and have to close the curtains.

Another teeny truck.

Right now in Japan there are 100,000 at home waiting for a hospital bed!

Not as bad as India was but oxygen is becoming a prime commodity.

And the Prime Minister is saying "he sees the light at the end of the tunnel"? !

Hoping the medical system, local governments and main branch of government can coordinate better or else the loss of life will be sadly high in the coming days.

Hope you all are staying safe.

Have a nice weekend.


Anonymous said...

a lot of people here got something like a huge red rash around their injection site. Just looked kind of weird but supposedly nothing to worry about. Developed over a week after the shot so I wonder it that's coming for Satoshi.
Bummers about the fig bread. Looked so good. I've been addicted to the bacon epi bread from Epi-Ya where the former bakers from St Germaine run a bakery. Yay, still got a lot of St Germaine's stuff there.
I love those little trucks in Japan. My sister's neighbor seems to be importing them and modifying to meet codes here. So cute, but always wonder how safe. I guess as long as you stay off the freeways.
I've been reading about how the vaccinations lose efficacy after 6 months so seems like more people are getting breakthrough infections, although mild. So if true, seems like at this point would need 2 boosters a year? yuck!

K and S said...

V, guess this booster shot is gonna be normal thing yeah?!

Take care.

jalna said...


jenny said...

Love the cozy nook for mornings! LOL, poor someone with the bruise. Does he (ahem he/she) get bruised like this with all shots??

I love your Tokyo pictures by the way, of the folks around Tokyo on your IG. Everywhere is scary with the covid numbers and our hospitals are either at capacity or near capacity too. It's all so scary and makes you wonder when will it end? :( You two take care.

K and S said...

I think he does bruise easy Jenny. Please stay safe!

Take care!

K and S said...

I knooow Jalna!

Take care.

Rowena said...

I never heard of anyone getting a bruise from a vax shot...poor Satoshi! I hope the heat won't last too much longer; it is so nice to be back home in the's hell at my fil's.

K and S said...

Oh we will be in the heat for a couple more weeks Rowena, hoping your FIL is doing well.

Take care.

KirkK said...

My arm felt like I had beaned by a baseball for both shots Kat......hope things cool off for you....

K and S said...

oh my Kirk! hope you didn’t have any bruising!

Take care.

KirkK said...

Actually, when I showed Satoshi's photo to the Missus; She said that the person who gave Satoshi his vaccine has terrible technique!

K and S said...

Kirk it was the same nurse that gave us the first vaccines:0

Take care.