Wednesday, September 08, 2021

fig season

It's fig season...we have been enjoying them with our yogurt in the morning.

The one on the left is called Masui Dauphine and was grown in Aichi prefecture.

The one on the right is called Toyomitsuhime and was grown in Fukuoka prefecture.

I loved the red color of the Toyomitsuhime.

Both were delicious and I'm glad we got to try these.o 


  1. oooooh, I can't wait to find some at the supermarket; dark purple ones are my fave.

    1. The dark ones are hard to find where we are Rowena, hope you will be able to get your hands on some!

      Take care!

  2. Trying to catch up on your posts! They should allow you folks to return home from Hawaii with the proper clearance of testing and your vaccination!! I should try fresh figs...maybe tried at a restaurant before but not on my own!

    1. I never tried fresh figs until I came to Japan Jenny, should’ve tried it when my aunty in Hawaii had a tree!

      Take care.


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