Tuesday, September 21, 2021

unmanned bakery

One of my favorite bakeries nearby, Bakery Alice, started something new..an unmanned bakery.

From 19:00 (which I think is their closing time), they fill these lockers with all sorts of baked goods.

You can purchase them from the lockers for 500 yen (tax included).

I think they put the items that were not able to sell in here and it is a kind of a  “surprise” as to what you will receive.

In their email, they mentioned that each locker's baked goods value was about 600 to 700 yen.

I think it is a good way to cut down on the amount of food thrown out in Japan.

I want to try to buy it just to see what’s in the locker.

Will write up about it if I get a chance to purchase it.


  1. Do the bakeries in Japan not have the "day old" table in their shops? Maybe it is not legal to sell day old so they have to try to sell them same day.
    Most of the time we buy more than for current day and put them in fridge or freezer for later, so I always used to look for the day old stuff first. (ahahaha, I'm cheap)

    1. V, most places try to get rid of their breads by the end of the day, which if not sold they throw out, which is probably why the amount of wasted food is so high in Japan.

      Take care!

  2. That's really neat Kat! Can't wait to see what you end up with.

    1. Hope I’ll be able to check them out before it gets too cool, Kirk:)

      Take care.


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