Wednesday, November 24, 2021

1st time

Got my flu shot for the first time.

Our health insurance doesn’t cover it so it was $40-ish.

Glad we didn’t have to wait too long at the doctor’s.

Did you get your flu shot?


  1. surprised to know flu shots aren't covered. We also get the pneumonia and shingles vaccines covered by insurance. I don't usually get them even though they're free.
    Still trying to get up my nerve to take them.
    The last couple of times I went to Japan, there were supposedly flu epidemic going around Japan so I did take the shot just in case. Didn't want to be sick on vacation!

  2. what made you decide to get it? I mean, is the gov pushing flu shots more to keep people out of the hospital?

  3. V, Lucky you can get it covered:)

    Rowena, there was talk that the flu might trend, so I got it just as a precautionary, though at this point in the year, the doctors are saying they haven’t seen flu cases yet.

    Take care you two

  4. I get my flu shot every year Kat. We're required to get it.

  5. That is interesting Kirk!

    Take care:)


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