Friday, November 19, 2021

this and that

curry beaver...not sure why this is named beaver...but these arare (rice cracker) were delicious.
(cat in the window) keeping warm...
I switched to paper packages for my wet garbage.

It doesn't quite fit in the plastic corner thingy I have and I hope it is better for the environment than the netting thing I used to use.

I've been toasting hoshiimo (dried sweet potato) before eating it.

Heating it up actually makes it soft!

furry one waiting for his mom to come out of the bakery...
Thought it was eery to see all these entrance cameras on the entrance fence of an apartment building.

This week Tokyo's daily cases ranged between 7 and 31.

Japan's fully vaccinated rate is up to 75%.

In December they will start giving booster shots to the medical system and elderly.

Hope you all are doing well.

Have a safe weekend.


  1. Ahh, there’s a yummy curry flavored senbei they used to sell in Hawaii, but, sadly, I haven’t seen it in a long while. The security camera & intercom combo for each unit seems unusual. But I guess a tenant is less likely to get a “wrong number” that way? Good job to so many folks in Japan getting fully vaccinated in a relatively short period of time! Please stay warm and take care, Kat-san. 🤙 ( I hope this is a shaka sign)

  2. Fried arare are my fave, but not sure if I'd like the curry flavored ones.

  3. Even though I like to eat (Japanese style)curry stews with rice, for some reason I'm not drawn to other foods or snacks with curry flavor. Like, I hear Zippy's has a curry saimin that is one of the top sellers in the restaurant. And, curry udon. Thought about it, and can't figure out why it doesn't appeal to me.

  4. I use that emoji like a shaka Anon:)

    Jalna & V I guess curry flavor is a love or hate kind of thing:)

    Take care everyone!

  5. Love that photo of the pooch Kat! The images that flash thru my head when I read "curry beaver"....well....


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