Friday, November 12, 2021

this and that

Tokyo people...I think pajamas are trending...
So many interesting fashion choices...
I ordered the spice stollen from Une Clef.

I've been wanting to try this bakery since before we moved to Tokyo.

Since the pandemic though, they have only been selling items online.

Most times they have a lottery for people to buy items, but their stollen was not in a lottery, so I was able to order one.

It is harder/crispier? than the other types we tried in the past but I love that it has lots of fruits and nuts in it.

This week, Tokyo's daily case numbers were between 14 and 30 this week.

Some clusters cases are being found here and there around Japan.

Our 65+ age group is 91% fully vaccinated while the rest of us are 74% fully vaccinated.

Hopefully we are keeping our numbers in control.

This week Japan started allowing business travellers that have been fully vaccinated (according to V, Japan is only accepting Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca vaccines as being fully vaccinated) and a negative PCR test to quarantine for 3 days.

We don't qualify for this 3 day quarantine period because we wouldn’t be going to Hawaii for business.

So...we will continue to wait until they loosen up for tourists...

Hope you are all are doing well.

Have a safe weekend.


  1. I better check Kahala Hotel's stollen schedule. They were the most expensive but I liked theirs the best. Moist, lots of fruit. Epi-ya (bakers came from St. Germain) was second. Brug was 3rd and amazingly, Fendu Boulangerie was last.
    Hmmm, I should check if Dean & Delucca or Kulu Kulu have stollen.


  2. I never really knew what a stollen was like. Wendell might like it. He likes fruitcake.

    1. Jalna, I think it is more like bread than cake

      Take care:)

  3. Interesting fashion choices.... ;o)

  4. definitely caught my eye Kirk:)

    Take care!


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