Wednesday, December 15, 2021

sunday part 2

Sunday at about lunchtime we had a jolt! it was only a couple of seconds but felt really long.

These days we've been having many earthquakes...

Changing the subject, since I had time on my hands I made a really small batch of furikake “cereal” mix because most everyone I follow on Instagram is making it.

The only type of cereal I usually buy is oatmeal or granola, so looking for “chex” like cereals was interesting when I realized that Japan only has “flakes” type of unsweetened cereal?!

So…I used tongari corn which is similar to bugles but seemed to already be coated with something...

I bought some pretzels from Yamaya, added some mixed nuts and pumpkin seeds.

I based my recipe on the spice cereal I made awhile back because it all had to fit on my oven’s turntable.

I used the “sauce” that I used for the spice cereal (not the spices), lessening the oil and adding butter.

Didn’t have enough honey and had to add maple syrup

It turned out darker & stickier but it was tasty!

Satoshi found out firsthand how addicting it is.

I would lessen the sauce amount, if I make this again

For Sunday dinner, I made a small batch of portuguese bean soup with part of the sausage I bought from the Okinawa antenna shop.

The sausage is “skinnier” (smaller) than the kind we have in Hawaii, but I like the flavor (minus the sorbitol).

If you’ve been reading this blog for awhile, you know that I’m greedy…instead of using an ingredient to make just one thing, I like to make lots of stuff, so I also plan to serve some with egg & rice for a breakfast and with the sausage that I froze maybe make a small batch of chili and some fried rice.

What have you been up to?


  1. I've been wanting Portuguese bean soup too. Looks like I should make a batch.
    and I love party mix. I don't care for the one with garlic but love the one with cinnamon, sugar and butter.

  2. The recipe I saw used furikake, butter, sugar & shoyu v:)

    Take care!

  3. Aaaah Portuguese Bean Soup...local kine comfort food!

  4. Kirk totally comfort food:)

    take care!


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