Friday, December 31, 2021

thank you

It’s the last day of 2021…Who would have thought we would still be saying... "stay safe", "mask up", "social distance"?!

I hope this pandemic will be under control or be over soon…so we can all travel, so we can hug loved ones, so I can maybe wear lipstick...

There were some sad days, but I’m thankful for the good days and the beautiful rainbows we have seen this year.

Thank you for coming along on our adventures.

Be well, be kind.


  1. Japan trip in 2022 or... Else?

  2. I hear ya Saburo…crossing fingers

    Take care!

  3. Kat, thank you for posting. I'm always learning something new.

  4. Well.....hopefully Omicron will prove to be less severe than Delta especially among those vaccinated like our current data is showing Kat. Because it sure is much more contagious. Have a happy and safe New Year!

  5. Thank you Anon!

    Crossing fingers Kirk!

    Take care you two:)


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