Friday, January 07, 2022

this and that

"someone" has been cold...why he totally does not have any warm clothing is puzzling?!

I had to lend him scarves and wool sweaters...

I personally love this time of year 'cause there is no humidity! was forecast for rain or snow, the weather dude couldn't exactly say?!

So we prepared and stayed indoors...

Listening to jazz, drinking coffee, eating chocolate doughnuts...we had snow! apparently it was the first time in 4 years for Tokyo to have so much…only 4 inches (10 cm) but enough to create havoc for Tokyo…

Lunch was a ramen hack...I had bought some mabo tofu and put it onto Sapporo Ichiban shoyu…mabo men.

Today is nanakusagayu...hoping we all can stay healthy this year.

Boom! Japan's case numbers exploded over the week (still not as krazy as other countries but krazy enough for Japan)…apparently we can “thank” the US military bases for apparently bringing in more cases, for apparently not wearing masks even if they are vaccinated and for apparently not PCR checking anyone arriving on military flights…grrr!

The Japan government does not have jurisdiction for what happens on base but it is troubling & disappointing when the bases do not cooperate with what happens off base.

They won’t even tell Japan how many are living off base…

Anyway…Please keep your spirits up.

Have a safe weekend.


  1. love the cold too, but maybe not as cold as the temps you've been posting. It is actually warm and sunny today although there might be rain this afternoon/evening.
    I've been watching Tokyo's COVID counts and like ours, seems like it has been doubling everyday. You saw ours for today which was actually for tests done couple days ago? almost 4800! Kinda depressing since everyone is so freaked out. Everyday someone comes and asks if we had any contact with so and so cuz they have symptoms or family tested positive. No End.

    Remember how you said you and Satoshi sit diagonally from each other when eating? Are you guys still taking precautions? I also have a fan blowing as if that would help. No End.

    Take care, you guys!

  2. V, we still eat diagonal and sleep opposite.

    Take care!

  3. I've become super reclusive again. The virus is hitting close to home . . . nephew tested positive. I love your photo of Satoshi!

  4. That's a hilarious photo Kat! Omicron is going crazy here too.....

  5. Jalna, hope your nephew will not have any lasting side effects.

    Shhh Kirk:) he doesn’t know.

    Take care you two!

  6. Was fun to see everybody's Tokyo snow pics the last few days. A friend who lives in Asakusa actually slipped and fell on the sidewalk. Fortunately he didn't conk his head or anything. Meanwhile ladies in high heels are just going about their biz...

  7. Gosh that is scary Saburo, glad he didn't get seriously injured!

    Take care!


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