Thursday, March 24, 2022


Went to Oomori yesterday to buy some coffee beans.

I had thought these sakura trees were kawazuzakura but looked at our ward's page and these were noted as a variety called yoko.

Love the dark pink color.

While waiting for the train to the anime type billboards.
Cup sake...bought the sake for hubs and the cups for me...he he
Neko neko bread...these are supposed to be strawberry swirled.

We ate this with cream cheese this morning and it was so good.

You could smell the strawberry as it toasted.

This type of bread is a bit pricey to eat every day (250 yen or so, a slice), but would be nice to give away.

300 yen (tax included) bento from Oogoshi.

Croquette and grilled salmon.


I also purchased some kinmedai nitsuke (simmered splendid alfonsino)...400 yen (tax included) each for our dinner.

Love how they also pack some "gravy", to pour on top when I reheated this.

The wind was fahreezing yesterday but it was nice to get out and about after the rain/snow.


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