Friday, April 01, 2022

it’s no joke

Guess who got a job?

He starts today.

It is totally different from what he used to do.

He said the company is in Kanagawa (luckily only 5 minutes by train) and has something to do with energy.

So weird because according to Satoshi, “early retirement” in Japan has the nuance that “the company “made you” quit”, which allowed him to collect unemployment benefits as long as you show proof of looking for a job.

Over the year, he had online interviews, as well as interviews in person, met with a work counselor and also went to the Hello Work (an organization that helps you find a job).

He realized how much his company had done for him over the years…paying various taxes (from his salary)..he had to pay these taxes monthly over the year.

Gonna miss my walking partner.

I’ll need to get into the groove of waking up early to make bento again.

Not looking forward to ironing.

I think he is looking forward to getting out of the house.

Pandemic case numbers going up again…

Have a safe weekend.


  1. great to hear! Good Luck, Satoshi!

    you guys are way too young to settle into the retirement mode, even though it means ironing and making bento again. Plus, will he still be able to get tour guide gigs?

  2. V, he said he would still do tour guide work when he can :)

    Take care!

  3. I thought becoming the nation's first Hato Bus Dude *WAS* the job! Energy, how mundane...

    At least the commute isn't long. RIP, bum life.

  4. Congratulations to Satoshi ! Is his job in Kanazawa or Kanagawa ?

  5. I hope it goes well for you both!

  6. Congrats Satoshi! Hope everything works out well!

  7. Thanks Jalna :)

    Thanks Saburo :)

    Kanagawa, Joanna, thanks! I corrected it. I always mix the two up :)

    Thanks K!

    Thanks Kirk :)

    Take care everyone!


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