Friday, April 08, 2022

this and that

When I went to Le Petit Bonheur, I also checked out National, an import supermarket.

They have one shop near Azabu, and this one near Denenchofu.

I purchased "American" deodorant for summer...and a can of baked beans.

Would not like to have this parking space...
First freesia from the lanai.

Glad the bulbs I planted last year bloomed.

Love the fragrance!
Leftover nikujaga, turned into curry.

Just add some water (if your nikujaga does not have much liquid), your favorite curry, I used some garam masala and curry powder and added a slurry at the end.

We said goodbye to our kotatsu futon and mat (had to make space for Satoshi's stuff)

(We got rid of the kotatsu when we got our dining table back in 2018)

Still not sure what type of work Satoshi does, but he did say that they turn off the lights during lunch time (12:00-13:00), to save electricity.

I’ve heard many companies do this he has to eat lunch in the dark...WT?!

Cyclamen, going strong since 2004-ish.

Temps forecast to go up to high 70s this weekend…eep!

Have a safe weekend. 


Anonymous said...

I didn't know freesia had a fragrance. My cuz in Kula has a hedge so he always brings huge bunches when he comes to visit. wonder if different types.
your cyclamen. so jealous! I know there are different varieties that bloom different time of the year so I must have the wrong type that doesn't bloom at all, boo hoo. Heck, doesn't even sprout after the dormant period. boo hoo.
Hope Satoshi's company only does that outside of summer, or they only turn off lights and not ac.

jalna said...

Ho that parking space is crazy! I no can.

KirkK said...

How does that person get out of their car???

K and S said...

V, I’ve only seen freesia growing kinda low to the ground, not big as a bush. Must be a different variety. The fragrance is sweet.

Jalna, so krazy yeah?!

Kirk, there is actually a little space on the driver side, super little, though.

Take care everyone!