Thursday, May 05, 2022

children's day

This is the first Golden Week since the pandemic that there have been no restrictions (no state of emergency).

So, "everyone" is out and about.

Every night there have been reports showing the crowds and traffice jams.

We've been laying low because...1) I don't like crowds

2) I don't like crowds.

Tried this kashiwa mochi filled with sweet bean paste and a whole kuri (chestnut) from Ookuniya.

Delicious (and huge!)

Some of the flowers we saw on the way to Ookuniya.

Satoshi goes back to work tomorrow.

Hope you are having a great week.


  1. Beautiful flowers. And that mochi looks so ono.

  2. hope to visit one day when it is Iris season.
    I saw a picture of crowds at Sensoji. wouldn't be able to handle that either, or getting on a subway packed like sardines.
    I just made a package of kuri gohan. Yummmm!
    Our counts are rising again and I'm thinking it may be 4 or 5 times as bad since everyone uses the home tests and don't have to report it. But also, everyone I know who got Covid has very mild symptoms, like a cold so vaccines are working. Trying to get up my nerve to get 2nd booster.

  3. Jalna, the mochi was so good!

    V, Japan is looking to require 3 vaccines to enter.

    Take care you two.


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