Friday, June 17, 2022

this and that

The teeniest bananas called "Baby Sweet", these were quite sweet, but got ripe super quick!

Only 100 yen (plus tax) for this bunch!

Trivia: Bananas are the most popular and cheapest fruit in Japan.

Huge driveway for a house that we saw near Myorakuji.
Beautiful sunrise on Monday.

Bummed to hear that Anna Miller’s in Shinagawa is closing in August

The last time we ate here was pre-pandemic when family was visiting from Hawaii.

Monday, Tokyo's case number was 950! The first time in a long time.

Mother Nature threw us back into April temps...eep!

How are you doing?

Have a safe weekend.


  1. Those are cheap bananas! Interesting that bananas are most popular. I guess stuff like kaki are too seasonal

  2. Lovely sunrise! So now there's only 1 Anna Miller's left, huh?

  3. Wrap the cluster (stem?) end with saran wrap or tin foil, it will slow the ripening process and keep them fresh longer.

  4. V, especially with the pandemic, bananas were popular because you don't need to touch them :)

    Jalna, super teeny but ono!

    Yup Kirk.

    Thanks Anon!

    Take care everyone.


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