Thursday, August 25, 2022


1st time making shakshuka.

I sauteed some red bell peppers with some dukkah and then added some leftover marinara sauce and a little water.

Added some eggs and let it "poach" uncovered for about 8 minutes.

Then topped it with some sliced okra.

We ate it with some naan.

Not authentic and I don't think I've actually had shakshuka before, but it is fun to say and was tasty.

I'll make this again when the weather gets cooler.


  1. I have never had this before but it looks great! Wish we had more like restaurants here that served up food like this!

  2. i googled this and it looks really ono and easy to make.
    since the sauce is tomato based, I wonder how it would be over pasta.

  3. Jenny, definitely need more restaurants like this :)

    V, I've only seen it eaten with bread to dip into the oozy eggs...

    Take care you two!

  4. I love shakshuka and usually make it for brunch!

  5. The Missus and I love shakshuka and will often make it during the winter.

  6. For brunch sounds nice Rowena!

    I think it will be a new dish in our winter rotation, Kirk :)

    Take care.


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