Monday, October 10, 2022

oh em gee

Got vaccinated on Thursday evening.

Dinner was shrimp won ton harusame soup.

Back track a couple of days, my left shoulder was stiff and couldn’t lift up.

Like pre-side effects for the vaccine…weird!

Anyway, Friday morning I woke up at 5, made Satoshi’s bento, his breakfast and then when he woke up at 6:30, I went back to bed.

At that point I felt sluggish, body aches, had chills and sometimes hot flashes?!

Slept and finally ate my breakfast mid-morning 

Tried to watch tv but kept dozing off

Planned to go out to get ingredients for dinner, but it rained all day and was also super cold (low 50s)

Didn’t go out and ended up feeding Satoshi natto and rice from the freezer for dinner

Was sad that he never emailed to check up on me during the day and then small kine mad that he had the nerve to ask me, “what, no wine? no beer? with dinner?”…

ps felt way better on Saturday!

pps the reno guys have been power washing our building, even in the rain!

I'm impressed with how clean these grooved drainage thingies on the lanai got.

Since we're not allowed on the lanai areas I took this photo from the window.

ppps National holiday today, Sports Day, rainy & cold but temps supposed to also shoot up 10 degrees…have a good week!


  1. Sorry to hear about your reaction. I had mines 2 weeks ago and it hurt like heck when the pharmacist injected and continued hurting until 2 days later. I actually yelped when he did it. I felt so tired and run down the next day. No energy. Hopefully this will be the last COVID shot. Ahh, Satoshi sounds like a typical husband, I'd be irritated too when I'm sick. Take care, N

  2. oh Kat, I am so sorry to hear that your 4th shot took more out of you than expected, but I am not small kine mad at your hubs for being so insensitive. I know that's a personal thing between a couple, but really...and you wake up early to make him his food? BIG BIG HUGS from Italy, I hope you feel better soon.

  3. N, I mean who supposed to take care of us?! :)

    Rowena, thanks already feeling way better :)

    Take care you two.

  4. I'm getting really scared for my Saturay appointment. So stupid that I also signed up for Shingrix on the same day.
    Is that long rice in your soup? Looks good. I was thinking I should have soup or something prepared for after my vaccinations if I'm going to be all tired and sore.
    My favorite retort: MEN!!!!

  5. yup would be good to have prepared foods V, especially if you might not be feeling up to getting out to get food.

    Take care!

  6. I'm glad the side effects didn't seem to last too long Kat!


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