Monday, November 21, 2022

the reno

About a week ago, I saw the reno guys lugging these rolls in the lobby and then noticed we had one on our lanai.
Saturday, they put the sheet onto the lanai.

It kind of looked like "flooring".

Was amazed at how quickly they could install it.

Only a couple of minutes. 

I also realized they did the lanai that faces Haneda too.

Oh and every day, when I go out for a walk or groceries I gotta be careful because I don't know what kind of work they did the day before.
They tape areas off that they don't want us to touch or walk on.
Just gotta walk slowly and pay attention, especially whenever coming in or out of our apartments as they could be right outside.

Almost a month left, hoping they will finish earlier than forecast.


  1. Looks like they're doing a good job!

  2. Jalna, hope so :)

    Take care.

  3. I bet the remaining month is on everyone's mind in your building, wow!

  4. I know it is for me Rowena!

    Take care.


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