Friday, November 04, 2022

this and that

Tokyo People...this lady all in purple

These two chatting away after bathing at the public bath in our neighborhood (we were bundled up and watching them..ha!)
Waiting for the light to change
You may have heard that Tokyo Hands was bought out by Cainz, a DIY group...they also changed their logo from this one
to this one...
My ballot reached Hawaii...whoo
Shima shima uma uma...caramel version...this was a bit too sweet from the caramel ice cream, but I like the dark chocolate that runs through this ice cream bar.
This marron pie from Sunmerry...filled with so much chestnuts and chestnut!

The crust was meh!
The reno is progressing, they painted those safety walls between our apartments as well as the walls of our lanais
Waterproofed the drainage on the lanai (never saw paint so shiny)
Then painted the drainage on the lanai
It's gingerbread latte season! I also tried their marron pound cake (at home!), so ono!
More Tokyo People...all of us social distancing at the train crossing
They cut off the monster's foot for stepping on their plant..ha!
walking all her furry children and her baby
The lady's shoes looked like socks!

We're going to get our influenza shot today.

Have a safe weekend.


  1. were you in Hawaii when there used to be the purple house on Gulick Ave in Kalihi? More lavender but house, car, mailbox, fence, everything!
    I sure hope still got lots of kuri when I come! I'm not sure about Tokyo but Kyoto had all those giant chestnuts roasting and for sale. Loved them!

  2. I was shocked to see the person wearing the "thong" until I blew up the picture and saw that it was a sumo guy. LOL.

  3. no V, I don't think I saw that house, but in Pearl City there is a purple house.

    Jalna :)

    Take care you two.

  4. So there's a one-footed monster hopping around the neighborhood now? ;o) Loved this collection of photos Kat!

  5. Kirk, there sure is :)

    Take care.

  6. omigod that marron pie! never seen or heard of such a thing.

  7. Rowena, if they just improved that crust!

    Take care.


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