Tuesday, November 15, 2022


Saturday Satoshi was coughing & sneezing…he doesn’t do it into his elbow, so you guessed it I caught whatever he had…grr

And since someone gave his germs to me, he was feeling way better afterwards and you know I still gotta cook…

Anyway, feeling a little better on Monday, I made it to the market. (luckily we didn’t have a fever)

I’ve made Kei-chan in the past, but learned of a new dish from a recent episode of "Kodoku no gurume" called Tonchan

Kei-chan is what they call chicken in Gifu prefecture and Tonchan is what they call pork

I based the sauce on what I posted before except I used this sauce and then added some chili paste, mirin and miso.

This was delicious with rice....

If I had thought ahead I should have thawed out some ginger, but since I didn’t, this would be without ginger.

This was an easy dish to put together and a nice way to test our taste buds too


  1. Oh no! I wish I could send you a gift card for Ubereats! I hope you feel better!

  2. aw thank you Anon!

    Take care!

  3. MotH was sick too and then I caught it of course. I decided then to continue masking up when doing grocery shopping - it just messes up my routine when I get sick.

  4. Dang, did just thinking of you guys give me the exact same cold? Coughing, sneezing but no fever. Negative COVID test too. Still functining, though.
    This tonchan sounds ono and I have a little pork slices in my freezer and today is open market so I can buy long squash or even the filipino stand has precut veggies to make pinacbet but I think should be good with anything.

  5. Oh man, hope you feel better soon Kat!

  6. Thanks Kirk, hope this doesn't last too long.

    Take care.

  7. hope you like this V and feel better soon too!

    Take care.

  8. Rowena, I mask everywhere! I always get on Satoshi's case when his nose is sticking out of the mask.

    Take care.


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