Friday, December 23, 2022

this and that

Sunday, we put the screen doors back up, plants outside...

It’s so nice not to have to worry about hitting the plants while walking to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

And I was also amazed at how much light comes in now that the scaffolding nets are gone!

Last Tuesday the 23 year old water heater decided it was too cold and decided to stop working in the far, it works best in the afternoon when the sun is probably hitting it, eep!

We called the management company who talked to the owner and they will change the water heater..

AFTER the new two weeks...eep!

I have been “jump starting” the heater, turning it off then turning it back on and immediately turning on the hot water to see if it will “catch” and keep hot water coming out….which brought thoughts of “jump starting” a car by rolling it down a hill…

I also called the management company again to see if they would pay if we had to go to the public bath…

Fahreezing without hot water in the mornings, especially when trying to wash the dishes, but when we think about what the people in Ukraine have been going through for the past 7 months, we try not to whine...and at least we've been able to bathe in the evenings...

Then, Monday, good news, the guy that arranges the water heater change can do the change tomorrow! whoo...thank you Santa!

Have you ever had Rogan Josh? It was our first time, I used Geeta’s sauce. 

Tomatoes, yogurt, tamarind, spices this was delicious.

It comes with some dry spices in a little packet on top of the cover

I kept half of the spices, used half the bottle of the sauce and froze the rest.

Even if it was medium heat, Satoshi was perspiring bullets!

I saw someone on IG do this with a really ripe persimmon...but since I didn't have one, I used a really gelatinous anpogaki.

The person, put their persimmon on cream cheese toast in place of jam, I tried this with butter.


There was an ume episode of "Matsuko no Shiranai Sekai" recently and the person on the show introduced these ume filled with different things.

So, I ordered some for us to try...konbu (kelp), madai (red snapper), katsuo (bonito), buri (amberjack), maguro (tuna) and hijiki (type of seaweed)

Apparently, they take the seeds out from the ume, then put the various filling in them...I dunno how they do it because the ume still looks whole.

One way to eat them is chazuke, will post when we try.

Want to share this cute card, friend Steph sent to us.

Hope you all have a nice Christmas.

Have a safe weekend.


  1. season's cute!
    When I went to Kofu, the train station for the Hakushu distillery had ume with those flavors but they weren't inside the ume, just little jars with ume and kobu, katsuobushi, etc. The ones you show looks so gourmet! I'm drooling now, LOL

  2. Man, malfunctioning water heater in the middle of winter....that suck Kat! And have to wait until Monday to fix? Hope you are able to keep warm and at least get some enjoyment this Xmas!

  3. omigod faulty water heaters! I think it was in late October/early November that ours went totally kaput. I mean, major issues since I would have to heat up a large pot of water on the stove, pour it into a 5 gallon bucket in the shower stall, and temper with cold water. I did it every night for about a week so that we could scoop water to soap up and rinse.

  4. V, those ume sounds interesting too :)

    Kirk, thank you :)

    Rowena, I am thankful we didn't have to boil water.

    Take care everyone.


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