Monday, February 06, 2023


Last year we purchased our ehomaki from Rakyo and it was so delicious, we decided to purchase them again from Rakyo.

1700 yen (tax included) for one roll.

At 16:00 I went to pick up our two rolls.

This was the direction to face while eating the ehomaki (south-south-east)

There were 8 ingredients inside of the ehomaki.

Egg, sawara (spanish mackerel) prepared 3 ways (fresh, tataki (seared) and soboro (minced and cooked)), maguro (tuna), shimesaba (a kind of pickled mackerel), surumeika (squid) and daikon namasu (pickled daikon radish)

It was huge!

Fresh and tasty.

It was 200 yen more and 2 ingredients less than last year but it was nice to support a small local business.

Praying for this pandemic and war in Ukraine to be over soon...


  1. So cute the handwritten explanation.

  2. That roll looks positively epic.

  3. I like their handwritten signs, Jalna :)

    It was Saburo :)

    Take care you two.

  4. what a cool custom!

  5. Rowena, so many different customs :)

    Kirk it really was :)

    Take care you two.


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