Friday, February 17, 2023

this and that

Trying to keep people from stealing their toilet paper...the struggle is real!
The tourists buying lots are back...
Tokyo people: points if you can find him...

I was afraid he would fall!

Gross Tokyo People: this dude digging his nose and then eating it!

AND because he knew I was watching him, he looked straight at me, smirked a little then ate his buggers...dude, ew!

sorry if you were eating…

Cheese Mexican...

Burger King's Avocado Whopper with a crunchy taco flavored corn flake thingy sprinkled in the

I should’ve bought an avocado and added more to the burger.

I was sad that the audio on a couple of the reels I made on IG were no longer available and no other audio can be added...

There was the “Tabelog police” emailing me that my restaurant photo uploaded 10 years ago was NOT from the main shop (they checked with the restaurant) but of their shop on a different floor, pretty sure it was correct when I uploaded it 10 years ago! so I deleted my photo from their site

1st world problems, yeah?!

Huge pretty!
The weather has been flip-flopping...warm on the weekends and fahreezing during the week.

Carrot on steroids...I had already used most of the one on the left but the one on the right was huge!

Hope you are doing well.

Have a safe weekend.


  1. not to give anyone ideas, but I would unroll the tp and stuff it in my bag, LOL. If I were that desperate, I mean.
    Is that a worker on the utility pole?
    booger eater! Ahahaha

  2. lol V, the grade of tp is so thin at these places but I guess if you cannot afford tp...yes the worker is on the utility pole, his ladder only goes to the first rung and he climbed up! booger dude so gross.

    Take care.

  3. Sheesh, Tabelog is worse than Yelp!

    I uploaded several photos from past trips but don't remember if I got any emails from them. Remind me not to share anything there from now on.

  4. Egad! A hana buttah eater-exhibitionist!

  5. I just use Tabelog to see where I've bookmarked "to try", but have been slowly deleting my pictures from their site, Saburo...

    Kirk, gross yeah?!

    Take care you two.

  6. I think that carrot would actually give Bugs Bunny a bit of a scare!

  7. Thank you LJ!

    I agree Rowena!

    Take care you two.


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