Thursday, March 09, 2023

back to shirai

Monday, since I still had dango on my mind, I went back to Shirai

It wasn't crowded AND that grandpa wasn't there...

(forgot to take a photo of the storefront, so took it from the pedestrian bridge)

I bought mitarashi dango, kusadango (yomogi (mugwort) and sweet bean paste), daifuku and ohagi...500 yen (tax included) for the 4.
The daifuku was filled with tsubuan (chunky sweet bean paste) and was delicious.

I'm not sure about the others since Satoshi ate them.

2 inarizushi and 2 norimaki...95 yen (tax included) for each inarizushi and 90 yen (tax included) for each norimaki.

The norimaki was a bit bland the rice wasn't seasoned and only had some seasoned kampyo (gourd) in it.

The inarizushi was the "juicy" kind but not overly "juicy", I enjoyed this.

We'll be back.


  1. Glad you got some this time! they look so ono, even the inarizushi!
    I keep dreaming about the yomogi mochi that the shop in Nara sells right before that Udon place. Warm, and soft!

  2. ooh yeah that yomogi mochi i Nara was ono, V!

    Take care.

  3. omigod I read the word grandpa and just bust out laughing! dang Kat, he sure got your goat that day eh? ;)

  4. Jalna, was all ono!

    Rowena, goat cow and sheep :)

    Take care you two.

  5. Glad that selfish old man wasn't there this time!


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