Friday, March 17, 2023

this and that

Saturday, we tried a new (to us) restaurant called One Dragon, which sells different versions of tan tan men.

I tried the one without soup, I thought it would be spicier but it was kind of mild…900 yen (tax included)

Satoshi tried the rich tan tan men, which was really creamy.

He said it was spicy but was disappointed that the amount of noodles was kind of too small…950 yen (tax included)

Dunno if we'd go back, but I'm glad we got to try them.

We recently bought a limited edition Haagen Dazs called Mountain Chocolate Fudge.
They are getting smaller...
This one also had a message on the stick..."may tomorrow also be happy"

Glad I bought this at my fave market for almost 100 yen cheaper
Sunday, we tried a new (to us) soba shop called Kisshouan.

I had their sakura ebi bukkage oroshi soba…1400 yen (tax included)

Bummer the tempura was kind of soggy.

Not sure that we'll go back, but I'm glad we tried them.

3 months to go...
Because my photos uploaded wonky, what is it with Blogger?!...this was the ebi wonton that we ordered at One Dragon.

I loved that there was a whole shrimp in each of the 4 wonton…400 yen (tax included)

This is what Satoshi had at Kisshouan, curry rice and hot soba…950 yen (tax included)

Satoshi has been going to work with his mask in his pocket...hoping he still uses it on the train.

The other day when he was working from home, they had an online meeting and they were told that the amount of working from home will need to be lessened.

Guess things are slowly getting back to "normal".

Most of next week is forecast for rain, so I’m not too sure when I’ll be able to get out to check out the sakura.

Hope you are doing well.

Have a safe weekend. 


  1. are you gonna miss him working at home less? I wish MotH could work at home, but as he's been with the new company only since November, he's still exempt from smartworking.

  2. Rowena, I think I will be less stressed if he is not working at home :)

    Jalna, thanks :)

    Take care you two.

  3. Kirk, indeed :)

    Take care.


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