Tuesday, May 09, 2023


Saturday morning, it didn't rain, so I went to pick up a book I had ordered and Satoshi went to see an exhibit at a museum.

Caught this one sleeping...

When I first passed by she wasn't there, but as I passed to go home, there she was...
Got a kijiyaki bento from Torikyu
This strawberry gelatin & pistachio pudding dessert thingy from Seijo Ishii was junk, hardly had any pistachio taste.
This mango passionfruit chuhai drink was junk too...super sweet.

Friday and Saturday was so windy, almost typhoon like! this is happening more often...

Sunday it rained all day and we've cold snapped back to the teens (C), 50s (F)...brr

On the news yesterday, they were working on the walls of the river next to Aramaki Rose Park and with all that rain Saturday & Sunday in Kansai, the wall broke, which then flooded the area with mud, rocks and lots of water, luckily no one was hurt and I hope the roses were not damaged too.


  1. maybe my imagination but I think the Asahi chu-hi not as good as Kirin. Regardless, I don't care for mango flavored anything unless it is fresh mango!
    your bento looks so ono and this is even when I'm so stuffed from my lunch gorge.
    I read about some riverbanks collapsing and causing damage. This was different from the Hyogo one, right?
    Am curious about the huge earthquake too, seems to not have much write ups about it. Maybe not top news because only 1 casualty even though seemed like major structure damage and lots of aftershocks.

  2. Lol, the cat’s ekiben donburi water bowl.😂 At least your bento looked tasty. I generally check the sodium content for snacks & the sugar content for drinks before I buy them now. Too many bad experiences where I had to throw stuff out because it was so grossly salty or sickly sweet (shakes fist.) Take care!

  3. V, I like KIRIN too, but ASAHI is Satoshi's nephew's workplace, so I try to support :) Aramaki Rose Park is in Hyogo, so I think that was the same riverbank. I hope the people in Ishikawa get the help they need quickly, I get mad whenever people in remote areas get ignored.

    Anon, ah, I will try to remember to look at the labels, sometimes hard to see on the cans though :)

    Take care you two.

  4. Jalna, my favorite from this shop.

    Take care.

  5. Man, that cat is out! The bento looks quite good!

  6. Kirk, the bento is my favorite :) first time seeing that cat sleep like that.

    Take care.


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