Monday, May 01, 2023

this and that

Not sure what type of oldie this was, but the guy driving it had a twirly handlebar mustache to boot.
Seen on the walk home
eep & eew
Cheese Toma Tama (tomato egg) curry udon at Marugame Seimen.

Love that they also give you a little rice so that you can eat up the curry.

Two months to go...
The Smoky BBQ Whopper Jr was junk...the bbq sauce seemed watered down.

We were trying to figure out why there is an owl objet near the train tracks
Wondering if maybe it is supposed to keep animals/crows away?!

Have a good week



  1. I see a lot of those owls in people's yards here. They are SUPPOSED to keep the birds away from pooping on their decks, etc. Don't think they work. We had one on our outdoor lanai but birds still came around. LOL, it had a motion sensor too, the eyes would light up and a kinda cooing sound.

  2. it was so noisy but cool, Jalna!

    ooh I wonder if this one makes noise, V...thanks for telling me about them.

    Take care you two.

  3. a shame about that whopper burger because I haven't been to BK in ages.

  4. Rowena, guess I'll stick to trying more small business burger places here

    Take care.

  5. Too bad about that burger Kat! Man, haven't been to BK in many years!

  6. so many people haven't had BK in years Kirk, I should stick to local burger places instead of the chain types :)

    Take care.


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