Monday, June 19, 2023

when life throws you curves

We've had this blog for almost 18 years now.

Learning to write code to embed links.

Had bots/trolls steal whole posts.

If you've read our blog from the beginning you know all the good and the bad that we've gone through.

We've made lots of friends along the way too.

Mostly virtual, but we've managed to meet up with some IRL (in real life) too.

If you’ve been reading this blog, you know this title usually isn’t something good…

The other day, I got an email from Google's Album Archive, saying that they will be phasing it out as of July 19th.

It told me to download the files that are in Album Archive, so I did.

But after doing so, most have errors on them or something and cannot be transferred, WT?!

The files in question seem to be all the photos on this blog!

I thought by moving my photos from Flickr to Google Photos would solve Flickr limiting my photos (by the way, all my photos are still on Flickr, I just cannot add any more)

I even re-pasted the photo on each post that was linked to Flickr!

I am frugal and not willing to put any money into this blog

Long story short, after July 19th, this blog may not have any photos on them.

I don't know about you, but I use this blog when I cannot remember "that time we went somewhere" or when I need to cook something

It won't be fun without the photos to go along with the "stories", but I am not ready to shut down the blog just yet.

Anyway, just thought I'd let you know what is happening.

Hoping things are better where you are.


  1. Too bad that Google is making changes to their album archive. I’m glad to hear you still plan on blogging, even without the photos. I sometimes wish I could live in Japan, so I enjoy reading about your life there. Hope to visit one day soon.

  2. oh no! I think you write pretty well, so your pictureless blog should still be ok though will miss Tokyo people, LOL, and maybe can I can lose weight not see all your food! But for sure will definitely miss all your travels (but can still see them on IG or FB, right?)

  3. Oh that's frustrating! I hope you're able to figure out a solution!

  4. Thanks Anon, I hope you get to visit Japan or live in Japan soon :)

    Thanks Jalna :)

    V, lol thanks! you would probably only be able to see whatever is on IG/FB

    LJ, thanks :)

    Take care everyone.

  5. Oh man, that's terrible Kat! I'm hoping things can be resolved. I've been having a lot of issues with our blog host as well.

  6. I have yet to hear from google album archive but already I'm panicking.

  7. Kirk, hoping your blog issues are resolved soon!

    Rowena, I have a feeling it is gonna come down to not being able to keep any photos online without having to pay for the storage.

    Take care you two.

  8. I haven't been to your blog in a long time as I did not want to read about Japan and not be able to visit. It had been a long almost 4 years of Japan being closed. I always enjoy your content although I don't comment. Thank you for keeping up with blogging for so long. UGH! I just recently started a blog again for myself as a sewing journal but not reading that photos may not be displayed anymore is troubling as my journal includes photos of what I had done. I may have to go back to doing manual journaling. Thanks for the heads up. BTW, I usually go by Kat too so to avoid confusion I'll sign off as Kathy =)

  9. I appreciate your comment Kathy! I hope your blog won't be affected by this thing with Google Archives.

    Take care and thank you for commenting :)


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