Friday, September 08, 2023

this and that

Blood Orange plant looks to be doing okay.
Cute Betty Boop scooter
Was supposed to be heading somewhere today with these but JR has decided to stop running due to Typhoon #13 (Yun-yeung) approaching.

So we cancelled the place we were supposed to stay at for tonight.

Hopefully the typhoon will pass and we can still check out the area we had planned to visit on Saturday.

In the meantime, I've brought the plants and things on the lanai indoors (again)….

It will be interesting to see what we’ll be eating today, I was preparing for travel not for the typhoon…

Oh and yesterday's sunset was pretty awesome.

Have a safe weekend.


  1. super awesome sunset!
    I have a bell like that!! Ahaha, I was told that was the bear's dinner bell.
    was heading up north? guessing akita or aomori.

  2. V, there's a warning on the bell that it won't save you from the bear :)

    Take care.

  3. Stay safe! From bears and typhoons.

  4. That's a lovely sunset Kat! I still remember the Bear Bells on the Nakasendo Trail!

  5. Thanks Jalna :)

    Kirk, Nakasendo must've been beautiful

    Take care you two.


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