Thursday, December 14, 2023

so teeny

Lots of teeny trucks and vans these days...I think I might have posted most of these before..

Subaru van filled to the gills with packages to be delivered.

Saw this one outside of Yamaya
This one near Tsukiji

This one was at a construction site in our neighborhood
Teeny truck near Shirokane Takanawa
This one in a parking spot with a little bulldozer thingy on top
This one reminded me of Ukraine...
This one with a tiny delivery bike on it
And these two for a recycle shop


  1. love those little trucks. So cute. They sell some tiny Japan trucks here too but they have to be older models and are usually manual transmissions and right hand drive. Really would love to get one to zip around town.

  2. I think those tiny trucks are so cute!

  3. Love all those little vehicles; probably quite efficient too!

  4. I can see you riding around in one V!

    they are yeah, Jalna!

    probably Kirk

    Take care everyone.


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