Sunday, December 31, 2023

thank you

What a year! full of baseball, lots of meeting up with friends and family in Japan and Hawaii

I continue to mask and social distance, Satoshi, not so much.

There were sad days as well as good days

Definitely lots of delicious days

Grateful for our adventures and for you being a part of them.

Wishing everyone good health, new adventures and a delicious 2024.

Be well and be kind

Thank you!

sunset photo taken in September 2023


  1. Akete Omedeto Gozaimasu love reading you -N

  2. Happy New Year Jalna!

    Happy New Year N!

    Happy New Year Kirk!

    Take care everyone.

  3. Happy New Year! Hoping for Health, wealth and happiness for you and Satoshi!
    Sadly, started out with so much disaster and drama but hoping this means the rest of the year will be awesome!
    I wanted to go to Nijiya at Puck's Alley to buy daikon to try your ume oroshi chikara mochi but there was a lot of police action because of that murder suspect and the roads were all closed. Then last night there was constant sirens in the valley when a home caught fire.
    And this is nothing compared to the earthquake and plane crash in Japan! So sad

  4. Happy New Year Kat and Satoshi! ~r&s

  5. so so sad V!

    Happy New Year R & S

    Take care everyone


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