Friday, December 08, 2023

this and that

Tokyo People: loved the little shop near Shoinjinja Mae, where the grandpa was selling all sorts of okazu (prepared foods)

These two...the man on the left was walking around the tree trying to put on the light decorations, the man on the right was holding the string of lights and following the other guy around the tree

Huge white dog! not sure what type he was...

When your point card points and 8 yen can buy a rather large 1/4 cut of hakusai (chinese cabbage) = grateful

This new (to me) flavor from Rittersport...with smarties.

I double checked the package after purchasing this...because if you know Smarties in the US...

I totally did not like Smarties in the US...luckily these are European Smarties and they are similar to plain M & M's.

Shiro, he turned 19 in August, apparently he likes to people watch from this spot.

Bonne Maman's Salted Caramel & Haldiram's mini Samosas.

Happy to find them at Kaldi this year.

Hope you have a safe weekend.


  1. i wonder if it's a great pyrenees.
    what a cozy place to hang out and people watch. 19 years!!!!

  2. I would totally buy okazu from grandpa.

  3. V, I checked online and it does look like a Great Pyrenees, huge and fluffy!

    Jalna, me too :)

    Take care you two.

  4. That pooch does indeed look like a Great Pyrenees and is as big as the guy's bike!

  5. it was huge Kirk!

    Take care.


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