Wednesday, January 31, 2024


Monday, as I was walking home from the market, I was passing in front of the police box

it is nearby a 4-way stop

The car made a hollywood stop and turned right

And just as he did that, the police, flew out from his police box, blowing his whistle, running out into the street, making me freeze from the sound of the whistle (also made me a little deaf for a bit!), and also because he (the police) almost ran into me!

Amazing how slow motion it all was, scared the "beep" out of me too.

Another reason for me to have a camera in my eye...a friend on IG told me about these (ray ban meta) instead

Glad no one got hurt, and I hope the hollywood stop dude got a ticket (didn't stick around to see what happened)


  1. what about the new apple VR one. Only $3,800!
    Glad you didn't get bowled over by the policeman. LOL, reading stuff about Japanese police it would have been your fault.

  2. Oh boy......glad you didn't get hurt! Be careful!

  3. Glad I didn't get hit too V!

    Thanks Kirk :)

    Take care you two.

  4. I have never heard of a Hollywood stop; gotta look.

  5. V mentioned the Apple VR! I was at the Apple Store in Kahala today and saw people testing them out. I had no idea what they were and was so amazed when they told me.

  6. Rowena, really?!

    Jalna, interesting yeah?!

    Take care you two.

  7. yep, never, or at least I've never heard it used on Kauai. I guess on Oahu only? I'll ask my cousin in Hilo. Italy no such thing; they just driving like normal. Moth does it all the time!

  8. must be a Honolulu thing :) Rowena

    Take care.


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