Friday, January 26, 2024

this and that

(furry) Tokyo People, I think this was a pekingese 
Tokyo People, one on patrol
Tokyo People, this reminded me of rubber stamping with embossing powder, they were sweeping off the access powder, before heating it

Hangry, this furry one was looking for food
so teeny
so teeny
surprised to find 12 eggs! most cartons in Japan only have 10
Thank you to H, Greg's sister, who sent us this care package for fulfilling her bucket list to eat anime style crepes.

We appreciate her kindness, thank you!
beautiful ume tree

tried the Opera was similar to the MOS burger shake, a little too sweet for my liking…700 plus something yen (don’t remember).

It was also made with almond milk and had almond bits in it which made it a little hard to drink…meh

super teeny radish
relatively decent sized radishes from the lanai
Tokyo People...delivering bento

The temps dropped to -2C (29F) yesterday...brr!

Have a safe weekend.


  1. super cute radishes! I bought several trays of Amaou strawberries here and planted some seed again. They are sprouting! Hopefully will fruit next year and hopefully will be huge like the ones I bought, but I seriously doubt it!
    I've never eaten crepes because I think they look so sweet but I keep forgetting that Japan's pastries are not sweet like here.

  2. I told Wendell that every time I go to Japan it's always warmer than I expect. Maybe not this time.

  3. Oh man, keep warm Kat! Love those photos of teeny vehicles and of course the pooches.

  4. hope you get to try crepes V!

    I hope it will be warm when you get it Jalna :)

    Kirk, thanks!

    Take care everyone.


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