Friday, February 02, 2024

this and that

Tokyo People, waiting in line for the blood mobile? didn't know it was drive thru...ha!
parking skills...we realized this truck didn't have a side mirror...not sure if it was lost before or after it was parked...
hey! don't take my photo
the tote bag I ordered from the Hanshin Tigers finally arrived...whoo!
Tokyo People...putting in cables

Airing out the glove
Sunday we were "shaken", it was quite loud and a little scary, we were a bit woozy (seasick) afterwards too

noticed these pretty glass lamp covers near Kamata post office
so teeny
so teeny
so teeny
bought us some Kamata onsen t-shirts, a local public bath.

It isn't that close to where we live, but it is still part of our area.

1800 yen (tax included)
apparently a Japanese actress (Nikaido Fumi) was spotted wearing it back in 2019 (photo from the internet)

it got so popular that it is now hard to purchase

glad I was able to get some for us
so teeny..this guy was moving to our building from about 3 houses down the road
Tokyo People...watching the train go by

So, next week, I have a birthday coming up and Satoshi says..."Kat, I'm gonna work from home on your birthday"

I'm like, "what?! no"

Now if he said he was taking off on my birthday, or gonna take me out to lunch, then fine, but just to work from home?! I appreciate the thought but please don’t

Hope you have a safe weekend.


  1. i spy ume tree behind the truck that was moving to your building!
    Wow, didn't realize the earthquake was so close. Did things fall off your shelves?
    and, OMG, only 2 weeks more!!!

  2. Luckily nothing fell off the shelves, V

    Jalna :)

    Take care you two.

  3. So, Satoshi is just going to be home so he can????? Glad the earthquake wasn't too bad Kat!

  4. glad the earthquake wasn't bad too Kirk

    Take care.


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