Friday, February 09, 2024

this and that

Tokyo People...they were checking out a fire alarm that went off
(not) Tokyo People...
Box of blood oranges from Kajibou, which we also ordered from last year.

4 kilos with tax and shipping 5080 yen 

The orbs are different sizes, some really big, some really teeny, so far the ones we've eaten have been sweet though 

Last Thursday, I had Frou Frou's taco rice...wasn't the type of taco flavor I had envisioned but this was delicious...600 yen (tax included)

The owner said he gave me more veggies because I had ordered the medium (the smallest size) and the serving looked kind sparse...

The menu said he uses soy meat

Satoshi had Frou Frou's premium curry...800 yen (tax included)

He said this reminded him more of chili rather than curry

And we had Frou Frou’s demiglace hamburgers for dinner on ono! 1000 yen (tax included) for two.


good fortune factory's kaki fig log…939 yen (tax included)

dried fig, kaki, nuts and some good with wine!

Tokyo People...yakiimo lady...she pushes this cart down the hill to see then back up the hill to her house...what a workout!
(furry) Tokyo People...this little one looked a little cramped in there!

a couple houses from the truck that parked really close to the wall, is this car parked really close to its wall...

oh and the truck didn’t lose its mirror, it was there, we just didn't see it
Tokyo the shovel
Tokyo People
(furry) Tokyo People...really huge poodles!
Tokyo People...had to look twice, thought he was in his pajamas

Monday we had snow! 

Satoshi was supposed to go out drinking with friends but cancelled because he was afraid the snow would stop the trains.

Since he had already planned to eat out, he ate before coming home 

He said he slipped walking from the train station, luckily he didn't get hurt.

This was how it looked on Tuesday morning.

There were snow people all over the neighborhood.

These strawberries called Sakura Momo from friend T, so sweet and delicious, thank you!

Sorry this post was long.

Have a safe weekend.


jalna said...

Looks like I gotta bring my heaviest jacket with me next week.

K and S said...

Jalna, next week it is supposed to get super warm!

Take care.

Anonymous said...

10:08 earthquake here!
LOL, you telling Jalna gonna be warm and she's not gonna bring her jacket! Takes too much room for her omiyage!

KirkK said...

Looks cold! And more Frou Frou for you! ;o)

K and S said...

V glad you guys were okay

Kirk, frou frou FTW

Take care you two.