Wednesday, March 27, 2024

random things

Starting April, Satoshi said he’ll be in the same department, but he’ll be assigned to do a different job

Cyclamen in full bloom, we think this is probably the most flowers it has ever had.

Unfortunately, sakura have not starting blooming in Tokyo, yet.

One day of sun today and back to rain tomorrow.


  1. Best of luck to Satoshi with his new duties! I guess better than moving you guys somewhere else.
    and yes, I'm always drooling over your cyclamen! absolutely gorgeous.
    my honohono is getting ready to bloom. I counted 8 larges stalks full of buds! Can't wait.

  2. Hoping for sakura in mid April when my sister will be there!

  3. I hope Satoshi enjoys his new position.

  4. honohono smells so nice V!

    Jalna, I hope so too!

    Kirk, thanks!

    Take care everyone.


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