Monday, April 08, 2024

(indoor) sakura walk (haneda)

Wednesday was forecast for rain at about actually started to rain earlier

I decided to check out the sakura display at Haneda airport.

By bus, what should have taken half an hour took me almost an hour to get there because of traffic

This beautiful sakura ikebana display was super impressive

Most of the other sakura around Terminal 3 was fake

This was a teeny but real ikebana display
Other fake displays at Haneda Airport Garden

Loved the walls inside the Hanayama Udon shop

Even though most of the displays were fake, it was nice to walk around Haneda and see some sakura.


  1. Kat, I love the way Japan celebrates the seasons. Like some cities we traveled through had cherry blossom branches attached to each light pole down streets, so cool.
    Enjoyed seeing Haneda, thank you.
    Bonny Ogg

  2. even though most were fake, still very pretty!


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